Ordering your club kit couldn't be easier with NXT Sports. We can take you from initial enquiry to looking like a professional club in 5 easy steps.

Step One - Select your garments

The first step and often the most exciting, is to choose your personalised range. Together with Masuri we have created a full range of high quality on and off field garments which will meet the needs of all your club members. View our catalogue here.

Step Two - Send us your badge or logo

We will need your logo, a high quality photo of any existing embroidery and images of any sponsor logos you may have. If you already have digitised versions of your club and sponsors logos, that is a great help. Outline which colours you wish the logo to have on the different colour garments, for instance, most shops will have a standard logo for light garments and alternate for dark; this could be as simple as changing the colour of the text. We can never have enough information at this stage, so please feel free to send us anything you have.

Step Three - We build your branded club shop

As soon as you are happy with all of the above, our shop building team will get started on your online shop, using the information detailed in steps 1–3. The shop build process involves creating digital images representing how your garments will look once they have been produced. The most important part of this process is setting up “process codes” which are applied to each unique garment, they tell the production team exactly what logos go on which garments and where.

Step Four - You review and sign off your new online shop

Once you have reviewed and accepted your shop, it will be activated and you will be given direct links to add to your website. Doing so will help drive traffic to your shop and get your members kitted out in the latest clothing quickly and easily.

Step Five - Keep track of your shop with portal 

With your shop now up and running, you will be issued with a login to the online portal. The portal sits behind your club shop and gives you useful information and statistics about how your shop is running.
The portal is packed full of features which will allow you to better manage the clothing solution including SAKS (Subscriptions and Kit System). There is more information about these features available in the resources section.


If you would like a member of our sales or customer services team to contact you, please fill in the form below.

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